You, Too, Have Been Rejected

Originally Published in the Philadelphia Inquirer Op Ed pages March 28, 2010

Welcome to the Common Rejection

Your Resource for Undergraduate College Rejection


Note: In order to view this page you must have unsuccessfully attempted login and/or changed your password a minimum of six times. If you are having trouble viewing this page please change your password. If you have forgotten your password (again) please contact our help page at http:)youareaninternetidiot/

 Thank you for your interest in the Colleges/Universities/Technical Institutes you applied to for undergraduate admission for fall of 2010. There were hundreds of thousands of excellent and qualified candidates of which you may have been one. And we would like to extend a special congratulations: this year we experienced a record number of applications. You were a valued part of this new record, so kudos to you!

 The new Common Rejection was created to help streamline the time consuming and potentially litigious process of informing undergraduate applicants that they have not been accepted into one or more of the schools to which they applied. It reduces paper work and the need for tedious individualized electronic mailings. It is also an important step in eradicating the risk of personal contact between institutions of higher learning and those whom they have rejected. This state-of-the-art process has vastly reduced the wear and tear on admissions personnel and their assistants. We are always working towards better serving the academic community.

 If you are in receipt of this email, you can be assured that you have been rejected by one or more of the schools to which you applied. We cannot provide information to each applicant as to which schools have used the Common Rejection to inform you of your non-acceptance, but rest assured that you will not find admission at that/those school(s). You must log in separately to each school you applied to and there you will/may find a link to the Common Rejection homepage. Click on the link For Students Granted Non-Admission Status. There you will create a new login account and password that will get you to the actual Common Rejection letter (this document).

 If you believe you received this letter in error, you didn’t. We are sure your parents and grandparents impressed upon you how gifted and unique you were from the age of 3 months. We wish you every success in continuing that belief as you pursue the new and exciting path upon which you now find yourself embarking.

If you have tangible evidence that you have been accepted to any of the Colleges/Universities/Technical Institutes to which you applied for admission for fall 2010, congratulations! The team at Common Rejection wishes you luck and happiness in your future academic/social/technical pursuits.


The Common Rejection Team

 If you have further questions not addressed in this letter, write them on a piece of paper and mail them to our official website.


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